Toda a escola agradece à loja de bicicletas Sintrabike, em Mem Martins, por ter cedido à Unidade de Ensino Estruturado duas biciletas de BTT, tal como a sua manutenção. Um abraço sentido e terno por tamanha nobreza de espírito! :) :) :) :) ...

quarta-feira, 23 de novembro de 2011

My Family

I am Pedro. My birthday is on 9th August. I'm from Portugal so I am Portuguese. I am eleven years old. I am tall and thin. I have got oval face, round brown eyes and long hair. I am friendly, nice and pretty. My father`s name is Pedro. My father is tall and thin, his birthday is on 26th April and he is a barman. He is from Portugal so he is Portuguese. He is nice and strong. My mother`s name is Manuela. My mother is short and fat, her birthday is on 22nd July and she is a masseuse. She is from Portugal so she is Portuguese. She is nice, pretty and strong. My sister`s name is Inês. My sister is short and fat, her birthday is on 30th March and she is a student. She is from Portugal so she is Portuguese. She is friendly, ugly and strong.
We are a happy family!

Pedro 6ºB

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