Toda a escola agradece à loja de bicicletas Sintrabike, em Mem Martins, por ter cedido à Unidade de Ensino Estruturado duas biciletas de BTT, tal como a sua manutenção. Um abraço sentido e terno por tamanha nobreza de espírito! :) :) :) :) ...

terça-feira, 6 de dezembro de 2011

Hello friends

Hello! How are you? I am fine, thanks.
         My name is Diana, I am a student and my birthday is on 11th September - I am eleven years old.
         Iam from Portugal so I am Portuguese, of course! My mother is an accountant and my father is a cook. They have got fantastic jobs!
         I'm a bit fat- no problem because I am beautiful of course!!! I am young and I have got brown eyes. My favourite colour is purple- it is a beautiful colour. I have got a dog- her name is Mell and she is very cute and beautiful. She is two years old- I love her.
         My mother is beautiful, slim and a short. She has got curly brown hair.
         My father has got short hair. He is very cute and very active.
         Well, Goodbye! Thanks for reading about my family!

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