Toda a escola agradece à loja de bicicletas Sintrabike, em Mem Martins, por ter cedido à Unidade de Ensino Estruturado duas biciletas de BTT, tal como a sua manutenção. Um abraço sentido e terno por tamanha nobreza de espírito! :) :) :) :) ...

terça-feira, 6 de dezembro de 2011

My family!

Hello, I'm Daniel and I live in Portugal, so I am Portuguese. I'm ten years old.
         I'm medium-height and thin. I have got curly and dark brown hair, small brown eyes and a small mouth. I'm a student and my school is Maria Alberta Menéres.
         I am intelligent, stubborn, athletic  and  hardworking.
         My father is fifty-six years old  and he delivers bread to the hotels and restaurants and my mother is thirty-two years old and she is a housewife.
         I've also got six brothers but I prefer to talk about just two of them. My brother is seven years old and he is a student. He is stubborn and he likes to surf the web. My sister is four years old and she is a little fat, funny and intelligent.
         Oh, I forgot to tell you that I have got a cat. Its name is Batista  and it is funny, a little bit aggressive and thin.

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