Toda a escola agradece à loja de bicicletas Sintrabike, em Mem Martins, por ter cedido à Unidade de Ensino Estruturado duas biciletas de BTT, tal como a sua manutenção. Um abraço sentido e terno por tamanha nobreza de espírito! :) :) :) :) ...

quinta-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2011

My family!!!

Hello, I am Cátia and I'm twelve years old. I am from Portugal so I am Portuguese. I'm a student and I have got two dogs.
         My mother is forty-five years old and she is very hardworking, beautiful and sweet. She is a cleaner. She has got long hair and brown eyes. She is short and slim.
         My father is forty-five years old and he is also hardworking. He is an engineer and he is very cool because he gives me everything I want.
         I have got three brothers and one sister. My sister, Isilda, is a silly head but I really like her a lot.
         I love my family!!!

Cátia- 6ºC

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