Toda a escola agradece à loja de bicicletas Sintrabike, em Mem Martins, por ter cedido à Unidade de Ensino Estruturado duas biciletas de BTT, tal como a sua manutenção. Um abraço sentido e terno por tamanha nobreza de espírito! :) :) :) :) ...

quinta-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2011

Hi there!!!

Hello!! My name is Ana and I am eleven years old. My birthday is on 16th July. I am short, slim and young. I have got medium-length , wavy, brown hair and small brown eyes. I am nice, friendly and intelligent. I am a student and I live with my parents and my brother.
         My father is José and he is forty-two years old. He works in a company and he is tall, slim and young. He has got short, straight black hair and brown eyes. He is nice and friendly. He is Portuguese so he is from Portugal. I love him.

Ana Rita- 6ºC 

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